Discover the latest health and lifestyle articles, recipes and tips in written by bio island's nutrition team.
Health Support
A guide to what each B vitamin does in your body
Vitamin B’s are a collection of 8 vitamins, they have been traditionally grouped together based on some similarities.
Healthy Pregnancy
Changes to your body after the birth of your baby
It is crazy to think of what our body goes through when growing a human inside us. Once you have given birth, this doesn’t stop.
Support for new mums through post-natal nutrition
After birth many mothers find themselves overwhelmed and undernourished, here are our nutrition tips to help you through this time
Oral health during pregnancy
Maintaining good oral health is important during all stages of life, but especially during pregnancy
Healthy pregnancy snacks
Snacking will not only help to keep your hunger at bay but also provides a host of other benefits.
How a father's nutritional intake impacts sperm health
Approximately half of infertility cases are due to an issue involving the male partner.
What nutrients are passed onto your baby with breastmilk? The vitamins and nutrients of breastfeeding
One of the most important things a mother can do throughout her pregnancy and after giving birth is to consume a healthy diet.