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What you should be doing post workout

Evidence suggests that a post workout routine will decrease muscle protein breakdown, and assist in recovery in multiple ways.


By Bio Island Nutrition Team

An exercise routine isn’t complete unless you have your post workout nailed. Post workout is essential to how you recover and how your muscles stretch out. It is something most often disregarded or left to not take up anymore time.

Why is it so important?

There is evidence to suggest that a post workout routine will decrease muscle protein breakdown, increase protein synthesis, re-establish glycogen store, boost your recovery and also helps the heart rate slow down gradually. A few extra minutes that can make a difference in how you perform on your next workout.

Things you should be doing post workout routine include:

  • Cool down exercises allow 10 minutes to bring your heart rate down either by walking, yoga or swimming.
  • Stretching builds your flexibility and mobility and helps the muscles recover.
  • Foam rolling, like stretching helps reduce muscle soreness and increase your mobility.
  • Drink plenty of water, stay hydrated.
  • Drink you for extra nourishment if you need to; BCAA’s, Glutamine or creatine. Amino acids will help with building and recovering muscle and help with how you feel overall. Check the ingredient listings and make sure there is no added caffeine and is as free as possible from any fillers. You should only be adding supplements to your diet if you are not receiving enough nutrients from your food.

Post workout meal:

Your body needs to replenish itself, to recover damaged muscle cells and calm the nervous system. Your body wants amino acids and carbohydrates to refuel, so having a meal that consist of a source of protein and high GI carbohydrate such as short grain rice is beneficially. High Gi carbs help limit the level of cortisol production and allows the body to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps build muscle, so therefore carbohydrates will help reduce muscle breakdown. Do not wait too long after working out, eating 30-45 minutes after exercising is best.

Some examples of a post workout meal include:

  • Fruit smoothie with milk
  • Grilled chicken and vegetables with sweet potato
  • Egg omelette with avocado on toast
  • Oatmeal, fruit and peanut butter
  • Greek yogurt with fruit.

Your exercise routine and the effort you put towards your over well being will be even more successful to the time you put into allowing your body to recover and rebuild. Plan your day or routine to allow for the time to cool down and prepare your post workout meal to take full advantage of your health goal. Take the time to find the right post workout routine the suits you and gives you the best recovery from each session.


This information does not take into account your personal situation and is general in nature. You should consider whether the information is appropriate for your needs and seek professional medical advice.

Always consult your healthcare professional before taking any supplements or if any concerns arise.


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