
Preparing for pollen season allergies

Pollen is one of the most common triggers of seasonal allergies. So how do you prepare for the seasons ahead?

Healthy Living

By Bio Island Nutrition Team

Pollen is one of the most common triggers of seasonal allergies, otherwise known as hay fever.

Each spring, summer and autumn, plants release tiny pollen grains to fertilise other plants of the same species. Most of the common pollen allergies come from trees, weeds and grasses. These plants make small, light and dry pollen grains that travel by the wind.

Often during these seasons, the weather forecast will refer to a pollen count. Which is how much pollen is in the air. By paying attention to the pollen count you will be able to know when your symptoms may flare up if you have known allergies.

So what are the symptoms of pollen allergy/hay fever?

  • Runny nose and mucus production
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy nose, eyes, ears and mouth
  • Nasal congestion
  • Red and watery eyes
  • Swelling around the eyes

Reducing your exposure to the substance that causes your hay fever is the easiest way to reduce your symptoms. So, it is important to try and find out what substances you are allergic to, speaking to your healthcare professional will assist you in determining what may assist.  

You can also prepare for allergy season by:

  • Checking the pollen count on weather websites to limit your exposure.
  • When the pollen count is high, keep windows and doors closed at home and in the car.
  • Avoid going outside when the lawn is being mowed.
  • Wear sunglasses to limit the amount of pollen getting into your eyes when you are outdoors.
  • Change your clothes and take a shower after being outdoors to remove the pollen on your body.
  • Consider planting a low-allergen garden around your home and remove any weeds or trees if you are sensitive to them.
  • Make sure your house is dusted regularly. Using a wet cloth instead of a dry one, which will collect all the dust and stop any pollen from being spread around.
  • Keep pets out of the house when symptoms flair up. Also washing them regularly is important to remove any allergens from their fur.
  • Clean bedding is also an important one, as this will remove pollen, dust or dirt from the sheets.
  • If symptoms are bad antihistamines or decongestants can be taken as well, to reduce symptoms.

This information does not take into account your personal situation and is general in nature. You should consider whether the information is appropriate for your needs and seek professional medical advice.

Always consult your healthcare professional before taking any supplements or if any concerns arise

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