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10 kid friendly activities about health and wellness

Getting children involved in healthy activities from a young age will help install a healthy mindset. Also having children understand wellness will help set them up for the future.

Child & Baby Health

By Bio Island Nutrition Team

Getting children involved in healthy activities from a young age will help install a healthy mindset. Also having children understand wellness will help set them up for the future and continue a healthy life into adulthood.

Here are some child friendly activities about health and wellness you can try out with your family and children.

Exercise: exercising together is a great motivator not just for the child but as a family. Making a game out of exercising or playing a game of cricket helps establish working together as a team and shows that movement and being outside is a fun activity.

In the kitchen: Getting kids in the kitchen is a great way of teaching where our food comes from and the importance of a colourful plate. Depending on age allow them to experiment and create their own recipes.

Herb and Veggie Garden: creating a bit of space in the garden or having some pots on the balcony will help create the importance of taking care of something and again where our food comes from. Allow them to choose which herbs or vegetables they want and have them oversee taking care of it.

Yoga and meditation: Yoga isn’t just for adults, it’s for everyone and anyone to teach a sense of calmness and can help children create mindfulness. Both meditation and yoga will teach children about movement and can help improve sleep and behavior.

Bush walking: Bush walking is a great activity to get children outside and learning about their environment and the importance of keeping it clean and safe. Bush walking helps build an understanding of responsibility and again can embed a healthy lifestyle.

Sign up to a family fun run/walk: this is great for children to experience people coming together to either create awareness for a charity or just again to be together as a family outside enjoying each other’s company.

Playing for Life Resources from Sporting Schools: Sporting Schools website provide a range of activity cards that your children can choose to do with friends or families. Each card is designed to teach children a variety of skills and getting active in a fun environment.

Dancing: play some music and get them dancing. Dancing is not only great for movement but allows them to be a bit silly and have fun. Music is also great for teaching rhythm and for most people helps calm any thoughts or stress.

Arts & Crafts: getting creative is great for children to express themselves and can also be relaxing for them too. Painting or drawing allows them to create, be imaginative and a sense of calmness.

Have them join a local club: Joining a local sports, dance or arts club helps establish a sense of belonging, builds communication skills and develops them as individuals.

There are plenty of activities out there for children to be healthy and create a sense of wellness its just about finding the one they enjoy.  Its also great for them to see you and the family getting involved as it only establishes the healthy behaviours more. But most importantly have fun together and remember to allow them to express who they are, and they will gain valuable lifelong skills and knowledge.